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Hi, I'm a wife, mom, and grandma of six. I love writing stories that are rich with gospel truth. I love hearing from readers--you can contact me below. Let me know if you'd like a signed copy of a book!


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“I think this is the first time I've ever read a book that so wonderfully combines history, romance, and solid biblical doctrine. I'm ready for a sequel!"

A Reviewer

My latest book

Time travel--to investigate the puritans! It's different from my other stories and I'm really enjoying this series. Ebook is available on Amazon (also on unlimited). The print version is available from many places, including me. If you want a signed copy, the pay now button is for you--or, just contact me (below). Sorry, US only.

The Russells

An eighteenth-century American colonial family

:The Shenandoah Road: A Novel of the Great Awakening

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"Lynne Tagawa transports readers into the faith and hope, and sorrows and fears of 18th century colonial America. While other books feature the raw grit of frontier life, this book goes deeper and reveals the heart."

-- Douglas Bond, author of numerous books, including War in the Wasteland and Hostage Lands.

Also on audiobook!

Book 2 of The Russells: 


The Heart of Courage: A Novel of the French and Indian War

It's 1753 . . . and trouble comes to Russell's Ridge

Heart of Courage Cover SMALL WEB.jpg

The theology throughout was my favorite part. I had no idea so much good theology could be packed into an interesting and exciting story! My heart grew along with the characters’ hearts, and I was so thankful for their maturing in faith...even as they struggled as I do....


This book was truly written Soli Deo Gloria, and I enjoyed every moment of reading it. --a reader

Also on audiobook!

Book 3 of the Russells:


A Fallen Sparrow: A Novel of the American Revolution

It was all Samuel Adams's fault.

A Fallen Sparrow Cover SMALL WEB.jpg

"A riveting read" 

          author Vikki Kestell


The lives of a printer's daughter, a frontiersman, and a British spy collide in this unique story.

The Widow's Cloak: A Russell Family Novella

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Book 2.5 in the Russell family series, this novella spotlights the story of two characters mentioned in The Heart of Courage: A Novel of the French and Indian War.

I LOVED this story! I’m astounded at Ms. Tagawa’s incredible talent for merging historical detail, enthralling storytelling and a diverse cast of characters and personalities!


--a reader

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